SERVPRO of Southern Monroe County Event Photos

Booth life

PHCC Tradeshow 2018
Booth views from the SERVPRO booth at the PHCC Tradeshow this Past Saturday @ Kalahari Resort in the Poconos.

Lowes Pro Services Appreciation Day
Cloudy day but the event went off without any problems. Here is an overview of the setup

Lowes Pro Services Appreciation Day
Out here at Lowes Bartonsville PA celebrating Pro Services Appreciation Day! Big shout out to the men and women of NEPA for coming out and enjoying the great food Lowes team provided for everyone.
Trek 4 Tech 5k
Starting line getting fired up before the start. Over 170 participants took this course early Saturday morning. What a great way to spend EARTH DAY
Trek 4 Tech 5k
TEAM SERVPRO ANN and Colby getting a quick photo shoot in before the race.

Pocono Community Association Presentation

Pocono Community Association Presentation
SERVPRO BOOTH @ Mt. Airy Hotel
Polk Township came through with an amazing Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa . Big thank you to the Women of the Polk Township Women Aux. Fire Company.
Breakfast with Santa
Tent Fun
The tent at Hydrating Heroes was moving and shaking all day.
Helos Flying By
Army Navy Game Prep with the US Government doing a nice fly by during The SERVPRO Event.
Hydrating Heroes
The Setup for The Hydrating Heroes Event!
PFESI Dinner
Official Sign for the PFESI Dinner.
Board of Directors Table
The Board of Directors Executive Board-
Mike Whitzel, President
Jerry Poland, Vice President
Jeff Siegrist, Secretary
Thomas L. Savage III, Treasurer
PFESI Dinner
President of the PFESI Mike Whitzel, Giving the opening speech at the PFESI Dinner.
PFESI Dinner
Table at the PFESI Dinner.

Fiesta For Puerto Rico
Ann representing SERVPRO at the Association of Latin American Womens LLC. Fiesta For Puerto Rico.
West End Food Pantry(Group Selfie)
SELFIE!!! BIG THANK YOU TO THE WEST END FOOD PANTRY and all that came out to volunteer for this great event
West End Food Pantry
The volunteers that helped make this a great food drive
West End Food Pantry
West End Food Pantry holds these food drives every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month

Big thanks to @POLKTOWNSHIPFIREDEPARTMENT AND @SETTLERSCAMP for putting on such a fun event!

A Run for all ages!


Ann gearing up for the big race!
Lowes Pro Services Appreciation Day
The SERVPRO BOOTH was a very high traffic area @ the Lowes Pro Services Appreciation Day. The day was filled with some BBQ,music and games. Great day to be outside enjoying the weather
Lowes Pro Services Appreciation Day
SERVPRO loves to be a part of our local communities, Events like the Lowes Pro Services Appreciation Day are a great way to get out there and get involved, the day was filled with good times and great company

The SERVPRO booth was out and about at the Harvest Festival handing out candy and providing information to festival goers on what SERVPRO can do for them and their community

Akenac Park Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival @ Akenac Park in Dingmans ferry PA. Beautiful day out at the park embracing the great weather and good vibes. SERVPRO handed out lots of candy and smiles to everyone there